La Parata Headland & Les Iles Sanguinaires, Corsica, Islands in the Med

Islands in the Med: Spring on Cyprus, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica

Date: 29 July 2021
Time: 12:00am

In recent years, Alice has been fortunate to have the opportunity to guide a number of primarily botany based holidays to some of the largest mediterranean islands. In this talk, she focuses on what makes these islands such special places to visit and why Spring is the perfect time to travel. Covering not only the flora, much of which is endemic (exists only in these places), but also some of the butterflies and larger wildlife too, you can be transported through these beautiful mediterranean destinations and see some of the wonderful species she has found along the way.

If you’d like a sneak peek at some of the images included in the talk, take a look at her blog about Sicily.


Talk duration: 90 mins +

Cost: £75 (+ mileage outside a 10 mile radius from her home in Upwood, Cambridgeshire)